Greetings my friend, it’s highly exceptional that you are reading today. I found reading a way of emoting and imagining a new world. Recently I was reading an article where author have introduced so many facts about this world. The special thing about it was that they all came to this world from some bodies writing. They were not even a hypothesis for scientists to realize but author were proven better in foreseeing the world. The ideas of flying and swimming, creatures and aliens, etc all were first introduced by some author. Later their effects were found so strong that scientists were pushed to do researches.
This wasn’t just for the sake of impress people but also found a great way of passing a heritage. Every culture is based on books. So actually writing and reading becomes world most essential activity.
I found reading very difficult task, as can’t keep the patience of sitting hours to finish the piles of paper. For me imagining something is the easiest, my hearing senses are very responsive to a good explanation. But suddenly you must have stumbled upon that how come I just started singing about reading today.
Actually It all came back to me after all these years, before this piece I was kind of more interested in expatiating my life moments. But when found this my new friend who’s a daughter of an English teacher, that too literature. I felt back my two special books very next to my heart. I will admit here that Shakespeare work isn’t a story. One can identify the situation very vividly. His characters and portrayal, I was in love with them. Those Victorian women, especially Portia, lady full of richens. Her understanding and her intelligence were way beyond explanation. Of course I seek these qualities in my soul mate.
It ‘s right if I say I was head over heels whenever I read those love scene, choosing casket, handling suitors and becoming a lawyer to fight the case. It gives a complete definition to a strong woman’s character.
I will be lying if will say that Tempest wasn’t impressive. It was my twelfth standard when first time that book was in my hands and I saw a thin book with a ship on cover page. It didn’t glue me to the book. Even the protagonist wasn’t in a heroic, rather an underdog, who’s just managing his life. Al Though his magical creature brought a new kind of excitement as they were singing and plotting. But my real interest built when Miranda was introduced and how she felt pity on the prince. I always felt the Ferdinand is not a character but a way to a girl’s heart. Be pure in your intentions and plunge yourself in emotions, it makes you emanate so much goodness. These vibes of love and joy are powerful enough to attract anybodies heart.
I would admit though I never succeeded in my any of the loves. But for my sake and imagination, this is the right way. These thoughts are weird to some people and practices, but I’m hopeful.
This emotionalism sometimes gives me that joy, which I don’t get by achieving or doing. It is loony to others but serene to me. If I achieve something, I feel for the losses of others.
Sometimes books have started defining my mood, as I read as I m. They really give a heavy head and deep learning. All these authors inspire me a lot. I wish to my genie that give me more experiences and emotions with all this a good vocabulary. So that I can write small, very near to life, love stories. I have hots for romance and especially humorous romance. My fingers are crossed and hoping best from the future.
And one dedication to be made to all those friends and foes, which made me feel. No matter it was fear or proud, love or hatred, fun or mocked. All that was amazing to meet as my thoughts and imaginations were exercised.